Thursday, November 14, 2013


Dhevin Jan L. Murillo
BEED-SpEd 3x2
By working with these episodes, I’ve gain a lot of insights and lessons. I understand now what an authentic assessment is really and how it is valuable for teachers.
Authentic assessment refers to those activities set by the teachers which enable students to manipulate, understand and produce. I have now learned the difference between the process-oriented and product-oriented performance based assessments. When it is measured through the performance of the students, it calls for the process-oriented. However, if it is measured through the product itself or the output, it calls for the product-oriented performance based assessment.

Learning Objective:
To be able to design and make an investigatory project.
General Performance Task:
Design and make an investigatory project
Learning Episodes:
  • Decide for a topic to investigate.
  • Make an initial plan and state the samples.
  • Write your own hypothesis and conduct an experiment.
  • Design for a table chart of the results or the data.
  • Write a conclusion and produce a hard copy of the project.
Assessment Task:
  • Demonstrate a concrete topic for the project.
  • Output of the initial plan.
  • Designed table chart of the data.
  • Hard copy of the investigatory project.
Rubrics for Assessing Learning
The criteria for assessing the Student’s products consist of the following:
  • Creativity --------------------------------------------------------- 20%
  • Originality -------------------------------------------------------- 20%
  • Content of the product ------------------------------------------ 30%
  • Importance of the Product to help the environment----------- 30%
    Total ------------ 100%


Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Interview Notes


My Interview Notes
 Description of Authentic Assessment
·         *A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.
·         *Engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field.

How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product? Explain.

The authentic assessment used is well-conducive for the learning process of the students. Yes, it measured the learning through the use of portfolios, and tables for rubrics that would better explain the students and recognize how standard the students to do certain task.

My Interview Notes
1. How important authentic assessment is in the classroom?
Teacher’s Answer:
                Authentic assessment is very important in the teaching-learning process because this will measure whether you as a teacher imparted the knowledge on the students. Also, this will measure student’s knowledge and skills in a particular subject.
2. What is being measured in authentic assessment?
Teacher’s Answer:
                It measures the student’s learning, achievement, motivation and attitude. This will also identify on where areas of development the student is capable and weak. Like the portfolio which is the collection of student’s work that can be used to demonstrate his skills and it shows the student’s effort or progress.
3. What are the benefits of choosing authentic assessment in the teaching-learning process?
Teacher’s Answer:
                Authentic assessment has a vital impact on the teaching and learning process. It gives a lot of benefits.
The benefits are:
§  *Enhance the student’s abilities in all subject areas.
§  *Develop the teacher’s strength in creating and implementing each assessment tools methods.
§  *Extending the knowledge of learners by organization and socialization.
§ * Making the assessment more accurate and reliable.
4. What are the instructional materials you use?
Teacher’s Answer:
                I use charts, pictures, white board and other graphic organizers as my medium in delivering my lesson.
5. By using those instructional materials, how does it help your students?
Teacher’s Answer:
                It helps them to be more active, more participative and it really catches their attention to focus on the lesson.

My Reflective Journal


I feel so amaze when I realize that the new trends of classroom assessment are now using more on the authentic assessment than merely conventional assessment. These assessments are realistic and requires student to perform, create and produce outputs based on their learning.
The teacher uses portfolio to document or showcase students works, test results and any other outputs that measures student’s strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject matter. It is basically a modern way of assessing student’s learning that requires interaction, performance and productions.
I really felt the importance of authentic assessment as we interviewed the teacher. It really gives her benefits in assessing students learning. She comfortably uses this technique to avoid bias in evaluating her students.
The gains enjoyed by the teacher and her students from using authentic assessment are the exposure of the students in actual activities, the teacher’s learning of her students not only in the academic field but also to the things applied in real-life situations. The teacher was able to extend her knowledge through organization and socialization, to make the assessment more accurate and reliable and develop teacher’s strength in creating and implementing assessment tools.

The part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment I feel like improving or revising is the way the delivery of instruction is done and the great participation of the students which helps teachers assess their students learning.

Friday, July 26, 2013

My Reflection

Dhevin Jan L. Murillo BEED-SpEd 3x2 Reflection Choosing an appropriate assessment tools for assessing student’s learning is really an important one. I agree with the statement or from the answers of our interviewed teachers. I also agree in the quotation “Appropriateness in the use of any method of assessment is an indispensable principle of fair assessment practices”. Fair assessment is the center-point of the statement. Without fairness, the evaluation of teachers about students learning in different areas will be erroneous misleading and unfair. There should be a combination of subjective and objective judgment in order to have a better evaluation. You must consider that you are assessing the whole class and not only one child. With that it is important the teacher is creative and flexible. Creative in a way that he can modify the test for better understanding of the takers. Flexible in a way that he can accept all the responses of his students. Evaluating a child is not a joke and is not an easy job. You must take extra care in choosing what would be a suitable assessment tools for them. It should be a tool that will measure the child’s learning and not on what he is memorizing.