Thursday, November 14, 2013


Dhevin Jan L. Murillo
BEED-SpEd 3x2
By working with these episodes, I’ve gain a lot of insights and lessons. I understand now what an authentic assessment is really and how it is valuable for teachers.
Authentic assessment refers to those activities set by the teachers which enable students to manipulate, understand and produce. I have now learned the difference between the process-oriented and product-oriented performance based assessments. When it is measured through the performance of the students, it calls for the process-oriented. However, if it is measured through the product itself or the output, it calls for the product-oriented performance based assessment.

Learning Objective:
To be able to design and make an investigatory project.
General Performance Task:
Design and make an investigatory project
Learning Episodes:
  • Decide for a topic to investigate.
  • Make an initial plan and state the samples.
  • Write your own hypothesis and conduct an experiment.
  • Design for a table chart of the results or the data.
  • Write a conclusion and produce a hard copy of the project.
Assessment Task:
  • Demonstrate a concrete topic for the project.
  • Output of the initial plan.
  • Designed table chart of the data.
  • Hard copy of the investigatory project.
Rubrics for Assessing Learning
The criteria for assessing the Student’s products consist of the following:
  • Creativity --------------------------------------------------------- 20%
  • Originality -------------------------------------------------------- 20%
  • Content of the product ------------------------------------------ 30%
  • Importance of the Product to help the environment----------- 30%
    Total ------------ 100%


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